

Arizona Public Service

Arizona Public Service



UI, Visual Design

UI, Visual Design







Arizona Public Service, a publicly traded utilities company, serves more than 1.3 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona’s 15 counties. We've designed a website and product that would serve many different users ranging from internal employees to the very people who consume electricity on their day-to-day. 

Arizona Public Service, a publicly traded utilities company, serves more than 1.3 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona’s 15 counties. We've designed a website and product that would serve many different users ranging from internal employees to the very people who consume electricity on their day-to-day. 

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

Improve Transactions - On average, there were a million failed transactions per year. 80% of call center activity could've been solved by information that's already been served on their site. We wanted to provide an easy user experience with a focus on improving the key self-service areas.

Build Trust - Create a consistent, modern, and functional experience throughout the entire platform.

Build Relationships - Increase engagement by providing educational and user-driven content.

■ Improve Transactions - On average, there were a million failed transactions per year. 80% of call center activity could've been solved by information that's already been served on their site. We wanted to provide an easy user experience with a focus on improving the key self-service areas.

■ Build Trust - Create a consistent, modern, and functional experience throughout the entire platform.

■ Build Relationships - Increase engagement by providing educational and user-driven content.

Improve Transactions - On average, there were a million failed transactions per year. 80% of call center activity could've been solved by information that's already been served on their site. We wanted to provide an easy user experience with a focus on improving the key self-service areas.

Build Trust - Create a consistent, modern, and functional experience throughout the entire platform.

Build Relationships - Increase engagement by providing educational and user-driven content.

Project Highlights

Project Highlights

By working closely with strategy and UX, we were able to create a consistent, intuitive, and seamless digital experience to reduce call activity and increase customer satisfaction. 

Our UI foundation was based on the Atomic Design Methodology Instead of creating pages, we created systems that were scalable across all digital platforms. I helped the team define the rules and guidelines for what then became part of the global process. While working on a system helped us internally, it also had a tremendous impact on how we communicated with development. By simplifying the approach, we were able to dissect every aspect of the design and also create a common language.  

By working closely with strategy and UX, we were able to create a consistent, intuitive, and seamless digital experience to reduce call activity and increase customer satisfaction. 

Our UI foundation was based on the Atomic Design Methodology Instead of creating pages, we created systems that were scalable across all digital platforms. I helped the team define the rules and guidelines for what then became part of the global process. While working on a system helped us internally, it also had a tremendous impact on how we communicated with development. By simplifying the approach, we were able to dissect every aspect of the design and also create a common language.  


Design Director

Conrado Colnaghi

Senior Designer

Kenji Tomita

UX Lead

Stacey Wu

UX Designer

Anna Deu

Fiona Baudner


Design Director

Senior Designer

Senior Designer

UX Lead

UX Lead

UX Designer

UX Designer

Conrado Colnaghi

Kenji Tomita

Kenji Tomita

Stacey Wu

Stacey Wu

Anna Deu

Anna Deu

Fiona Baudner

Fiona Baudner


Senior Designer

UX Lead

UX Designer


Senior Designer

UX Lead

UX Designer

Kenji Tomita

Stacey Wu

Anna Deu

Fiona Baudner

Kenji Tomita

Stacey Wu

Anna Deu

Fiona Baudner



Design Director

Design Director

Conrado Colnaghi

Conrado Colnaghi

Senior Designer

Kenji Tomita

Kenji Tomita

UX Lead

Stacey Wu

Stacey Wu

UX Designer

Anna Deu

Anna Deu

Fiona Baudner

Fiona Baudner